AI Scores Personalisation

AI Scores captures and analyses a variety of user activities from different data points and consolidates into a relevant set of user data so you can provide the best personalised experience.


In order to use AI Scores you must provide the following:

Implementation and Flow

The AI Score cluster that the user is assigned to will change as the user performs activities on the site.โ€‹

As a cluster may expire during a user session, the version of the user cluster (designated by the generation timestamp) must be aligned with the version of the displayed clusters.

API route to get clusters

You can do a GET request passing the ID of the user to get its clusters :

Cluster API


Get the clusters of the user with a GET API call

Path Parameters




Your account/tenant trackerKey. Example : f5c09cdc-5c02-4520-8293-b1b12f44f417



The idRepository your are using to identify the user.

Example : sessionid



The id of this user in this idRepository.

Example : 5a664160-784e-444c-a6d3-337a2d4af0a6

   "data": {
     "5ce2a8dbd8c622244f5d1130": {
       "1586436731840": 9,
       "1586307414486": 7

For the User details, visit this link:

pageThe User Object

Tracking Response

When implementing tracking the response will look as follows:

{ โ€‹
  "profiles": โ€‹{        โ€‹
    "customerid#live1#sessionid#a4c2386e-b19": โ€‹{ โ€‹
      "clusters": โ€‹{
        "5f11b72aa6b7e52e94b8a6cf": โ€‹{ โ€‹ // Algorithm Id
          "1634504597142": 2, // key: Timestamp, value: Cluster Number for profile
          "1634591034702": 10 โ€‹
        } โ€‹
      } โ€‹
    } โ€‹

Versioning in Fredhopperโ€‹

AI Scores are versioned to prevent shopper/cluster mismatches when a new update has been processed.

Clusters object returned by activities or cluster get method responds with two versions and provides the user's cluster value for each of theseโ€‹

When the front-end generates the query string request to Fredhopper, it should use the cluster ID for the model version that matches that in the local โ€˜current model versionโ€™ variableโ€‹

A new display field will be enabled on the published endpoint which the front-end can use to determine the current cluster value (Epoch timestamp) that is loaded and should be used.


When looking to implement AI Scores, keep the following in mind:

  • What sections of the site do you want AI Scores to power?โ€‹

  • Where do you plan to use AI Scoring? Website, app or bothโ€‹?

  • Implementing AI Scores will affect page caching, if this is a concern:โ€‹

    • do all pages need to have AI Scores?โ€‹

    • do all users need to have AI Scores?

Last updated